Santa Cruz, CA
There are currently three Tektronix 4052 computers in the collection. Clicking on a photo will bring up a high resolution photo in a new window.
Two work and one almost works, it has a display problem. A service manual for these is in the collection.
4052 Series
Here you can see the insides of a 4052. The processor is made up of four 2901 bit slices. Microcode is stored on 82S181 bipolar PROMs. The processor board plugs into a "Memory Command Processor" board. There's an I/O card which plugs into a "Memory Access Sequencer" board which has some DRAM.
Left side of 4052
Right side of 4052
Monitor & tape drive
Tape drive electronics
Processor and MCP
2901 Processor
I/O board
I/O board and MAS